On April 12, InsulTech Yuma employees participated in the 2024 Yuma County Amazing race.
This was a team race event. The InsulTech team competed against other local businesses and organizations, including: Liggett (Electrical / HVAC company), Yuma Humane Society, B&G Foods, Arizona Western College (AWC), Yuma Sun (Newspaper), Yuma Regional Medical Center, Culligan Water (Water conditioning), Crossroads Mission (Rehab Center) and Imaginary Friends (Graphic Design Services).
The teams were given staggered starting times and winners were determined based on time to complete the race course. At the starting location, the teams were given their first challenge. Upon completion of the first challenge, the teams were given a checklist of the ten locations they must visit in order to complete the race. The team will then drive to the first location. At each location, the teams needed to complete that location’s challenge. Once that challenge is complete, the location representative provided them with an envelope with puzzle pieces in it.
Once the team had successfully completed the challenges at all ten locations, the team went to the finish line. Before a team can officially cross the finish line, the team must complete a puzzle using all the puzzle pieces received throughout the race. Upon successful completion of the puzzle, the team’s time was recorded.
The event featured a reception at Julieanna’s Steakhouse where prizes were awarded. It was an awesome event.