InsulTech is proud to have sponsored the 2024 The American Legion Riders – Post 19 4th Annual Helping Our Heroes Run. Over 100 riders participated in this event.
The focus of this event was to raise money for American Veterans, specifically for assisted living, food and clothing, and home repair (landscaping, air-conditioning, plumbing.
InsulTech was one of the primary sponsors, as well as volunteered to work the event, performing setup, assisting with registration, serving food, assisting with raffle and performing cleanup duties. Other event sponsors include Boston’s Pizza, the Four Points Sheraton, Olive Garden, Hooter’s, IHOP, Inca Lanes, JMZ Drivelines and Auto, Liberty Motorsports, Lowes, Mazda Flight Line, AMVETS, AL Post 19, AL Post 20, Aresh and David Anderson, Amsoil Dealer Jason Keranen, and others.
InsulTech’s mission is, as stated in Matthew 7:12, to treat others as we would have them treat us. We believe that no American veteran should ever be without basic needs and we applaud the American Legion riders as well as all the Yuma business who supported this event. We are proud of the InsulTech employees who took the initiative to step up and support this worthy cause. Thank you.