Project Spotlight: Microgrid Power Generation

InsulTech recently was selected to provide thermal insulation blankets for the first intelligent microgrid in the Central Valley of CA. This program delivers sustainability and energy resilience with islanding and outage ride-through capability to Tasteful Selections, a leading supplier of bite sized potatoes.

For years, growers have had to overcome energy supply challenges, but now Tasteful Selections will enjoy energy independence. The microgrid will combine reliable firm power, clean solar power, battery storage and an intelligent microgrid controller that utilizes Concentric Power’s Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and machine learning technology to proactively manage energy supply and demand to ensure the lowest cost energy resource is used at any given time.

As a result, Tasteful Selections will enjoy day to day savings and avoid costly operational interruptions caused by utility power outages and Public Safety Power Shutoffs. It is expected that the microgrid will help Tasteful Selections save upwards of 40% on energy costs and help guarantee that their bite-size potatoes will always be fresh. Combining 3.6 MW cogeneration firm power with 120 kW solar and 1.25 MW/625 kWh lithium-ion battery storage, the microgrid has approximately 5.0 MW total capacity with provisions to add additional renewables, including more solar and renewable natural gas. It is architected to create energy efficiency at every turn, from capturing and repurposing heat to optimizing engine efficiency and advanced load side management. The microgrid incorporates solar energy generation and battery storage to provide Tasteful Selections a pathway to net zero carbon.

InsulTech’s products improve safety and energy efficiency in the power generation systems used at this site.

220330 01 Insulation Installation Tasteful